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Dental Health Articles

What is a tooth abscess?

When we think about oral health issues that can arise, cavities are usually one of the first things that come to mind. But there’s another common problem known as a […]

The Difference Between a “Regular” and a “Deep Cleaning”

  Have you ever sat back in the chair and your dentist’s office and been told that you needed to have a “deep cleaning” or “periodontal scaling and root planing?” […]

Full Coverage Dental Insurance – Does it exist?

  If you’ve ever had any dental work done, you were probably disappointed or even angered by the way your insurance covered (or didn’t cover) your procedure. While some dental […]

Dental Insurance vs Dental Discount Plans

  Are you considering enrolling in a new dental insurance plan through your employer or an online marketplace? It’s worth your while to compare the coverage against a dental discount […]

Tooth Loss: Cause & Effect

They say every penny counts. Well, when it comes to your mouth, every tooth counts. For most of us, a missing tooth is mostly an embarrassing condition that makes us […]

How old are my teeth?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed a few more laugh lines or crow’s feet? Or a couple of gray strands that weren’t there before? Chances are you […]

Tips on how to save money at the dentist!

Dental care can be very expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. If you have the tendency to skip the dentist in order to save money, you’ll want to keep […]

Signs That Your Gums Are Receding

Yes, just like your hairline, your gums can recede. But unlike a hairline, gum recession isn’t always caused by genetics, although it can be. We’ll talk about common symptoms and […]

Does Anesthesia Make You Funny?

Move over grumpy cat videos. YouTube anesthesia videos have brought a new wave of enjoyment to millions of people everywhere. Watching loopy and confused patients waking up from dental surgery […]

Are cavities contagious through kissing?

Have you ever wondered if cavities are contagious? If not, you’re probably wondering about it now. Go ahead and take a few moments to think it over. What did you […]

What’s the best way to brush your teeth?

We’re all adults here; we know how to brush our teeth. I mean, right? For many of us, brushing our teeth is like doing laundry. We know enough to get […]

Can low-income families get dental care?

Have you ever wondered what the biggest barrier to American dental care is? If so, you’re not alone. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted research on the […]

Who Has the Best Dental Health Plans?

If you’re reading this, you may be hoping to find the name of a few dental insurance providers and be on your way. But, that wouldn’t be doing you any […]

Dental Insurance in America

Additionally, a 2016 American Dental Association study found that “more than one in three adults ages 19 through 64 with private dental benefits do not have a single dental claim […]

Are You Shopping for Dental Insurance?

You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing a dental plan. Your best friend might swear by his or her dental PPO, but you’re leaning toward a […]

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

When you are faced with losing teeth or replacing weak teeth, you may want to know what dental treatments are available. Dentures are a reliable and affordable option, but how […]

Improving Access To Dental Care

Understanding how dental plans and dental insurance work can be helpful when you need to find affordable dental care. Millions of Americans every year have to make the best personal […]

How to Get the Most Affordable Dental Insurance

If you’re like most people, you want to know how to get the most bang for your buck. Perhaps that’s why do-it-yourself (DIY) videos are so popular. You get what […]

Health and Dental Insurance for Unemployed

If you’ve recently lost your job, we understand that you’re likely in a bit of a panic. You probably are worried about how you’re going to pay next months rent, […]

Understanding Dental Insurance Benefits

If you’ve been paying out of pocket for dental care for you and your family, you may be interested in ways to cut costs.  You may have heard of dental […]

Can I go to the dentist while I’m pregnant?

As if pregnant women didn’t have enough on their plates when it comes to actually growing a baby, there are countless things that society says women should never do while […]

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