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Dental Health Articles

Top 5 Dental Concerns for Seniors

Health concerns change with age, and dental care is no exception. As you approach the age of 60, the potential dental problems you face are different than when you were […]

How Can I Stop My Gums from Receding?

Have you noticed your gums are less visible when you smile? Receding gums are a common issue among people of all ages. Affecting more than simply the look of your […]

Whitening Your Teeth: At-Home Products vs. In-Office Procedures

A bright, dazzling smile shouldn’t be considered a vain luxury. White teeth will increase your self-confidence and willingness to smile. If you’re happy with your teeth, you’ll feel friendlier and […]

Will Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Left untreated, missing teeth can lead to cavities, infections, gum disease, tooth misalignment and other serious dental issues. Fortunately, treating missing teeth is easier than ever. Most missing teeth can […]

When is a Root Canal Necessary?

Root canals have a bad reputation. They’re often thought of as complicated, expensive and painful. But this reputation is generally undeserved. Modern methods have made root canals a relatively simple, […]

Dental Insurance for the Unemployed

Unwanted unemployment can be one of life’s toughest challenges. Aside from the loss of income, you might also be faced with the loss of health and dental insurance. Unfortunately, your […]

Why is Dental Work so Expensive?

Have you ever avoided dental care because of the costs? If so, you’re certainly not alone. Dental care costs can be a significant hurdle to healthy teeth and gums. From […]

Should My Child Have Dental Insurance?

Welcoming a newborn into the family is a time filled with lots of joy and more than a little stress. Dealing with a baby’s day-to-day needs can keep you plenty […]

How to Afford Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Your smile plays an important role in how you face the world. If your teeth are crooked, discolored or otherwise don’t appear how you wish they would, you’re not going […]

How to Find an Affordable Dentist Near You

Is your dental bill starting to look like someone’s gone on a shopping spree? Maybe you feel like your dentist is charging you an arm and a leg for basic […]

What Type of Toothpaste is Best?

It seems like every time you turn on the television, you see a different commercial for dental products. Eventually, they all start to blur together and it’s hard to tell […]

What is a Dental Fee Schedule Plan? 

A dental fee schedule is a list of prices that discloses how much your dentist charges for specific treatments/services, and what your dental insurance plan will pay for. These two amounts are […]

What are the Most Common Dental Concerns People Ignore?

When does a dental problem become a big deal? Should you visit a dentist if you have tooth pain which comes and goes? What about persistent bad breath, canker sores or other problems […]

Orthodontic Emergencies and How to Handle Them 

Almost any procedure designed to change the shape and structure of your teeth is going to take a fairly long time. Braces, retainers and any other appliances which shift your teeth typically take several years to […]

What You Need to Know about Dental Discount Cards 

Are you looking for a way to save on dental costs? Nobody wants to pay 100% of their dental bills out-of-pocket. Many options are available to help you save on your dental care costs – but […]

The Difference In Root Canal Treatment For Adults And Children

Root canals — otherwise known as “endodontic therapy” — are a critical step in salvaging the structure of a tooth that has been impacted by trauma, severe decay, cracks, or […]

What Is Dry Mouth And How Do I Prevent It?

Battling dry mouth isn’t an annoyance…it’s actually a serious oral health concern that can drastically impact your teeth. “Cotton mouth” as it’s sometimes called, is as good of a reason […]

Why Doesn’t Health Insurance Include Dental Coverage?

  The truth is there’s no particularly satisfying answer. A long time ago, dentistry and minor surgery were performed by the barber. In fact, the red-and-white barber pole originally symbolized […]

Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Cold Foods?

  Here’s an all-too-common scenario: You take a bite or a sip of something cold… and are shocked by a sudden snap of tooth pain.  Even if your teeth feel […]

Why Are Braces So Expensive And How Can I Afford Them?

  Straight teeth don’t just look nice. They’re also better for your overall dental health. Teeth  that are properly aligned are easier to keep clean, more resistant to damage and […]

What is Halitosis and How Do I Prevent It?

  “Do I have bad breath?” Pretty much everyone has experienced this fear. Unfortunately, bad breath (also called “halitosis”) can be more than just embarrassing. It can also be a […]

How Can I Save Money on My Dental Care? 

  Many people avoid visiting the dentist’s office because they’re concerned about a very specific kind of pain – a pain in the wallet. Roughly 40% of adults don’t visit a dentist even just once a […]

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