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What are the Most Common Dental Concerns People Ignore?

What are the Most Common Dental Concerns People Ignore?

When does a dental problem become a big deal? Should you visit a dentist if you have tooth pain which comes and goes? What about persistent bad breath, canker sores or other problems which don’t seem particularly pressing? 

Dental problems can be pretty easy to ignore, especially if they’re inconsistent or seem relatively minor. But small issues can grow into big problems. Let’s take a look at some common dental problems which are often ignored, and why they shouldn’t be.      

Bad Breath 

Certainly, nobody wants bad breath. But not too many people run off to the dentist’s office just because they have halitosis. You should visit your dentist if your bad breath is strong and on-going. Bad breath can signal a potentially serious health problem.   

Chronic bad breath can be caused by poor brushing, gum disease and other dental decay. Poor diet can also contribute to bad breath. Halitosis can even be caused by a medical problem such as a sinus infection or even certain types of cancer. 

A dental professional will be able to diagnose and then treat your bad breath. Clean, fresh breath might be as easy as a few simple changes in your dental routine and diet. Plus, a potentially serious medical problem can be detected early. 

Receding Gums 

Many people assume gums just naturally recede over time due to age. Unfortunately, receding gums can be an early indicator of a few different dental problems. Early stages of gum disease, tobacco use, poor oral care and more can cause gums to recede.  

Your dentist will measure your gums during each check-up and compare the length of your exposed teeth over time. But you’ll want to schedule an appointment if you notice recession on your own. Left untreated, gums can recede all the way down to exposing tooth roots.  

Canker Sores 

Pretty much everyone has experienced at least one of these painful, stinging mouth sores. The occasional canker sore is usually not a serious problem. Most will go away on their own after a few days.  

Visit your dentist if your canker sores are frequent, numerous or won’t go away. There might be a problem with your diet, a medication you’re taking or your overall dental health. A dentist can help develop a plan to treat the canker sores you have and prevent additional ones from forming in the future. 

Gum Disease 

Don’t ignore a little blood in the sink after brushing your teeth. That can often be an early sign of gum disease. The quicker you can treat gum disease, the easier and less expensive treatments will be.  

The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis. This is the only reversible stage of gum disease. Otherwise, gingivitis will turn into the more serious periodontitis. 

Deep cleaning treatments are required to treat gum disease. Tartar buildup needs to be removed from pockets underneath the gum line. Deep cleaning treatments can be time-consuming and expensive. Prevent these procedures by treating gum disease when it’s still initially developing. Schedule a dental check-up if your gums frequently bleed after brushing. 

Dry Mouth 

Saliva helps wash away food particles and bacteria. If your body is unable to produce salvia, your oral health can suffer. Chronic dry mouth can be caused by a medical problem, a prescription drug or other health issues.  

Schedule a dental visit if you have on-going or frequent dry mouth. A dental professional will be able to diagnose the problem and provide a solution. Dry mouth is an uncomfortable issue which many people don’t consider worthy of a dental visit – but the dentist can often provide a quick, effective solution.    

Dental Costs 

Dental costs can be surprisingly easy to ignore. Many people assume they can’t afford a visit to the dentist’s office, so they don’t research potential payment options.  

Dentistry can be expensive, but there are a few ways to make costs more manageable. A dental discount plan is an affordable way to save up to 10% and 60% right at any participating dentist’s office. As a member of a dental discount plan, you simply present your discount card for immediate savings on a wide variety of dental procedures. There’s no paperwork to fill out and you can start saving right away.  

Ignoring a dental problem won’t make it go away. Seemingly small dental issues often respond well to treatment. So pay attention to even minor dental issues. Fortunately, early treatment is often simple and easy. Plus, a dental discount plan can help make treatment affordable, too.  



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