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Can I go to the dentist while I’m pregnant?

Can I go to the dentist while I’m pregnant?

As if pregnant women didn’t have enough on their plates when it comes to actually growing a baby, there are countless things that society says women should never do while pregnant.

One question that is often posed is whether it’s safe to go to the dentist while pregnant –

We’ll unpack the myth of dental care and coverage to help you understand if it’s ok to get your teeth cleaned during pregnancy.

Dental Checks Before Pregnancy

If possible, it’s important to schedule a dental appointment prior to becoming pregnant.  This way, your teeth can be cleaned professionally, any gum or oral health issues can be identified and hopefully treated prior to your pregnancy.

Safe Dental Checkups During Pregnancy

Routine dental care is safe anytime during pregnancy.  While some elective procedures may be postponed until after your baby is delivered, there should be no reason that you’re not able to have regular dental checkups during your pregnancy.

Tips Before You Go To the Dentist While Pregnant

  • Check with your obstetrician – While there should be no issues, it’s always a good idea to check with your obstetrician prior to your dental appointment to see if he or she has any special instructions for you.
  • Medications – Be sure to let your dentist know both the names and dosages of any medications that you are taking, which could include not only medications, but any prenatal vitamins that could have been prescribed by your doctor.
  • Attempt to avoid X-Rays – While X-ray technology has vastly improved over the past few decades, unless it’s absolutely necessary, it’s likely better to avoid having X-rays taken during pregnancy.
  • Don’t skip your appointment – Don’t make the mistake of skipping your dental checkup simply because you are pregnant. Regular periodontal exams are always important, but especially when you’re pregnant, because pregnancy can actually cause hormonal changes that can put you at increased risk for both pregnancy gingivitis (where your gums bleed easily), and periodontal disease.
  • Pay attention to your gums – As mentioned above, pay special attention to your gums during pregnancy, as you may be susceptible to a variety of oral health issues during pregnancy.
  • Follow good oral hygiene practices – As is always the case, follow good oral hygiene practices to help prevent oral health issues before, during and after pregnancy.

Morning Sickness While Pregnant & Toothpaste

If you’re experiencing significant morning sickness while pregnant, you can try to switch to a blander tasting toothpaste.  Your dentist will likely have brands they recommend that may help you to brush your teeth each day without becoming sick.  If you’re experiencing frequent vomiting, it’s also important to rinse your mouth out with water or some type of mouth rinse.

Eat Right for Your Baby before Labor

Keep in mind that protecting your teeth benefits both you and your baby.  Try to avoid sugary snacks, especially since sweet cravings are extremely common during pregnancy.  Attempt to maintain a balanced, healthy diet.  What many new moms don’t realize is that baby teeth actually begin to develop three months into pregnancy.  Healthy diets that include dairy products including yogurt and cheese can help to provide a good source of the minerals necessary for your baby’s developing teeth, gums and bones.

When Should Your Baby See the Dentist?

Congratulations!  Now that your baby is born, it’s important to maintain your regular dental checkups.  If you experienced any gum related problems during pregnancy, it’s critical to make an appointment with your dentist as soon after delivery as possible to have all of your teeth examined for any oral health issues.

Paying for Dental Care Before, During and After Pregnancy

With a new baby on the way the chances are high that you and your family are looking at all sorts of ways to cut costs.  This is why as families grow, dental care often falls by the wayside, which is unfortunate.  Proper dental care helps to keep children and adults healthier, so it should never be overlooked.

If you’re struggling with how to cover the costs of regular dental care for you and your family, you may be interested in a dental savings plan.  These options help to reduce dental bills by as much as 15-60% and no caps, limits or restrictions.  With a network of thousands of dentists who accept dental savings plans, it may be a good idea to see if these offerings may be able to help save you money as your family grows.

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